print photos on canvas
Printing a photo on canvas can be a great and surprisingly affordable way to display your picture as a work of art in your home.
To print canvas and make sure it looks its best, follow a few important steps.
Photo canvases have certainly become a very popular option in displaying wall arts. That’s because they go a step further than just putting a picture in a frame on the wall we print the photo on canvas. Taking your everyday picture into something you will be proud to display will be a great choice to décor your wall. There are a few things you need to know before you can transfer your picture to canvas, though, if you want it to look it's very best of best.
It Starts with a Resolution higher the resolution best will be quality
To begin with, you need to make sure your picture is high resolution. For the most part, anything you took with your phone is probably not going to stand up (for old phone) well unless you have one of the newest, most cutting-edge Smartphones that specializes in offering an extremely high-resolution camera. Always check the megapixel of the camera output.
Resolution can be sort of confusing to beginner photographers, but there is an easier way to think of it. A picture is comprised of very tiny dots of colour. They are referred to as pixels. If there are more pixels in an image the best will be the quality of the image, then the dots will be much smaller and this will create a more detailed image. When a picture is made larger, the number of pixels doesn’t increase. They just get bigger and farther apart to fill in space. If there aren’t enough pixels, this can create a blurry image that appears to have jagged lines and you should avoid a low-resolution image.
You want more dots per inch (dpi) (higher the better), but the acceptable number for a picture that you want to be printed on canvas is 300 dpi as canvas printing machines catch 300 dpi picture. Will you need some type of photo editor to ensure your picture is this high of a resolution? Or just right-click the image in the property you will able to find pixel and DPI. However, if you have a camera with relatively high megapixels, then you should have no problem getting your picture printed. Just take a moment to look at your camera’s settings and take the picture with the highest resolution available.
The Type of File
Images need to be saved in one of two different types of files: jpeg or tiff. These two are considered to be the standard for photos and are universally accepted by canvas printers. If you have a DSLR camera and you take your pictures in RAW format, then you need to change the file by using the camera software which converts RAW format to an acceptable format. That’s because each camera manufacturer has its own RAW file type and most printers cannot handle all the different versions. For standardization and ease of printing, always stick with .tiff or .jpeg.
Choose the Right Canvas Printer
For your canvas artwork to look its best, you need to work with a quality printer. They aren’t all the same and you will be disappointed if you just pick the cheapest company you find as they provided the lowest quality with the lowest rate possible. Instead, do your research and find out what company offers the best work on a regular basis. This way, you will feel more comfortable allowing them to transfer your picture to canvas. Always ask Canvas printing company on which they are going to print the canvas.
You can put a piece of art on your walls. When you take a standard, flat photo and have it transferred and made into a canvas print, you will be stepping up the portraits you put on the wall. Just make sure you take the proper steps, to begin with so that the picture will look its best as a canvas. Always ask for a pigment-based printer as this print last more than 100 years and has a waterproof property.